How does IPL/SHR work? Our medical grade IPL/SHR machine uses the latest technology to deliver an intense pulsed light (IPL) to target unwanted hair. The light is conveted to heat which is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle, causing it to be damaged and reducing further growth
What are the side effects from IPL/SHR Hair Removal ? Temporary side effects can include redness, itchy skin, mild follicle swelling (bumps over treatment area) and mild irritation of treatment area. These are all normal following IPL/SHR hair removal treatment. Care should be taken to ensure all aftercare instructions are followed to ensure best results.
What body hair colour can you treat? IPL/SHR hair removal treatments require pigment to be present in the hair follicle. Therefore treatment cannot be performed on very blonde, grey or red hair.
How often do I need to get IPL/SHR hair removal performed? This will depend on the hair type, colour and body area being treated. Typically treatment should be repeated every 4-6 weeks. Each part of the facial and body area has different hair follicle growing cycles so hair reduction will vary depending on which stage the follicles are at during your treatment.
How many sessions are required to obtain the desired result? This will vary from client to client and will be discussed with you at your initial consultation. Generally 6-8 sessions are required to obtain good hair loss. Top up treatments will be required at 6-12 months as needed.
Are there different types of skin? Yes there are. A common scale used to grade skin types is the Fitzpatrick scale. It is as follows: I - pale white skin; red or blond hair; blue eyes; freckles; always burns, never tans II - white or fair skin; red or blond hair; blue, hazel, or green eyes; usually burns, tans with difficulty III - cream white or fair skin; any eye or hair color; gradually tans, sometimes has a mild burn IV - light brown skin; tans with ease, rarely burns V - dark brown skin; tans very easily, very rarely burns VI - deeply pigmented dark brown skin; tans very easily, never burns
Can you treat all skin types? It is possible to treat up to skin type V, but clients with skin types IV or V will require a period of observation, approx 2 weeks following their patch test prior to commencing treatment.
Is IPL/SHR hair removal good for Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome? IPL/SHR hair removal has significant benefits to patients who suffer from PCOS. IPL/SHR helps to reduce and slow hair growth, although clients with PCOS may require more sessions to maintain results.
Can you have treatment whilst breastfeeding or pregnant? No, unfortunately you cannot have IPL/SHR treatment whilst pregnant or whilst breastfeeding.
Why is a patch test required? A patch test allows us to see how your skin will react to the IPL/SHR treatment prior to starting it. If you have an adverse reaction to the patch test then we may reccomend not undertaking any further treatment. The cost of the patch test will be deducted from your first treatment session. It is non-refundable if patch test is cancelled within 24 hours.
Does IPL/SHR hair removal hurt? IPL/SHR hair removal is much less painful than other hair removal techniques such as waxing. With IPL, each pulse lasts less than a second and often is described as feeling like a 'ping' by an elastic band. SHR uses in motion technology to build up heat under the skin giving a warming sensation. Our machine has a state of the art cooling system to reduce the heat sensation in the skin and minimise discomfort during the treatment. Cooling gel is also applied during treatment.
What is the required aftercare for IPL/SHR hair removal treatment? For 24 -48 hours after the treatment, please avoid excessive sweating, hot showers, shaving, waxing, and plucking the treatment area. You can apply Aloe Vera gel to the area to help cool it and reduce the heat sensation felt on the skin. You will need to ensure all treatment areas are not exposed to direct sunlight for 14 days and apply SPF liberally every day.
Are there any medications that might affect my IPL/SHR treatment? There are certain medications that mean you cannot have IPL/SHR hair removal treatment. These include: Photosensitising drugs; Hypoglycaemic (diabetic) drugs such as Metformin; Cancer drugs; certain herbal remedies such as St John's wort; hydrocortisone; Isotretinoin; Amiodarone; Bendroflumethiazide and any topical medication on treatment area. Some medications will require a patch test and a wait of 2 weeks prior to commencing treatment but this will be discussed as your initial consultation.
Are there any contra-indications to IPL Treatment? Yes there are contraindications to treatment. Absolute contra-indications (where under no circumstances will treatment be offered) include: •Pregnancy of breast feeding •Collagen Vascular Disease (SLE/Lupus, PAN, Rheumatoid Arthritis) •Bleeding or Clotting Disorders •Known photosensitivity or allergy •Skin lesions e.g. moles, tattoos, cuts or grazes •Cancer – any form, any time •Keloid •Melasma •Certain medications •Recent surgery (minimum 6 months after) •Persons under the age of 18 •Cadiac pacemakers •Angina/ Ischaemic Heart Disease •Skin conditions e.g. dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, inflammatory rosacea, dermographism •Epilepsy •Kidney Disease •Vitiligo •Herpes Virus •HIV or AIDs •Persons with type VI skin Relative contra-indications (where treatment may be offered following initial consultation) include: •Medications causing photosensitivity •Skin infections •Tanned skin – need to wait subsidence of tan before treating, includes self-tanning/commercial tanning activity •Skin type IV – patch test and wait minimum 2 weeks •Hormone treatments e.g. Thyroid •Diabetes

Are there any medications that might affect my IPL Skin Treatment? There are certain medications that mean you cannot have IPL Skin Rejuvenation treatment. These include: Photosensitising drugs; Hypoglycaemic (diabetic) drugs such as Metformin; Cancer drugs; certain herbal remedies such as St John's wort; hydrocortisone; Isotretinoin; Amiodarone; Bendroflumethiazide and any topical medication on treatment area. Some medications will require a patch test and a wait of 2 weeks prior to commencing treatment but this will be discussed as your initial consultation.
Can you have treatment whilst breastfeeding or pregnant? No, unfortunately you cannot have IPL Skin Rejuvenation treatment whilst pregnant or whilst breastfeeding.
How many treatments are required for vascular lesions/thread veins/pigmented lesions? This will vary from client to client. Often clients see an improvement after their first treatment. Following your first treatment you will be advised how many sessions are likely to be required.
My thread veins are blue-green in colour. Will they respond to this treatment? Unfortunately no they won't. IPL thread vein treatment tends to work best on veins that are red in colour.
What skin types are suitable for pigmented lesion removal? Skin pigment treatments work best in individuals with skin types I and II who do not suffer from hyperpigmentation (darkening of skin). Very dark or pigmented lesions may respond but may need additional treatments to get full effect. If you have any questions about this please discuss with your therapist.
Can I have IPL skin rejuvenation treatments when I have had botox and fillers previously? No you cannot have IPL treatment in areas where you have had fillers. If you have had botox treatment then you should wait 2 weeks before having any IPL treatment to the area. This is because the heat from the IPL treatment can break down the fillers. If the fillers or botox are in an area that is not being treated with IPL then this is generally fine. Your therapist will discuss this with you at your initial consultation.